Our blog

Renovate or demolish and build…that is the question!

This is yet another question that we are constantly asked in the early to middle middle stages of the renovation process with new clients. Perhaps shocked by the actual cost of renovation once they receive it or blinded a little by the new home floor plans and price points they see in the ever shrinking […]

Do I go up or go out when I renovate??

Do I go up or out when I decide to renovate is a question we are constantly asked by prospective clients…. Going up is the immediate solution that a lot of people gravitate towards when it comes to renovating, but it is often not the way that the project ends up going once all aspects […]

How to choose your renovation builder – 5 top tips

When we are contacted and first see a new client, one of the first questions we ask is how did you find us and how many other builders will you be talking to as part of the selection process? I always say to people that you should talk to no more than 3 builders, if […]

Tile or tin… that is the question!

One of the most commonly requested elements to either a ground floor or second storey insert renovation is to convert the existing roof of the property from tiles to tin – either zincalume or colorbond. For some years now the trend has been towards tin ahead of tiles. Some people talk about the idea of […]

Do I use a designer or architect for my renovation?

This is another question that we get asked ALL the time… At the risk of upsetting every designer and architect out there, our advice is a resounding NO!! Why no to architects and designers? Quite simply, we find in 9 out of 10 cases, a designer/architect has the cost of the project as the lowest […]

Will I be overcapitalising if I renovate?

Not surprisingly, this is a question we get asked all the time by prospective renovation clients at our first meeting. And naturally it is a very difficult question to answer as we are not real estate experts, accountants or fortune tellers!! What we normally say to people is that if their time horizon till selling […]

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